The very best of Liv for Cake in 2016. Cakes, cookies, and more! A list of the recipes you loved most in 2016.

Well, that’s a wrap for 2016. I know many, many people are happy to see it over and done with, and I can’t really blame them. It was a challenging and depressing year in a lot of respects, but I don’t want to dwell on the bad things. There was also a lot of good that came out of 2016, so that is where I am focussing my thoughts and energy.
I’m so grateful to everyone who follows along with this crazy blog of mine, and I hope you’ve all enjoyed the recipes as much as I have. Here’s a recap of your favourites!
#10. Gingerbread Cake
#8. Oreo Macarons
#7. Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake
Who would have thought cookie cups would come out on top, right?? I will be adding more of those recipes to next year’s lineup.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and I am wishing you the very best for the New Year! <3
Be sure to check out last year’s Best of 2015! Most of these recipes were still incredibly popular this year, especially the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Lynn | The Road to Honey says
Well. . .well. . .well. Happy New Year! Looking through this list of irresistible beauties I was a bit surprised at how many of cookie cups made it into the top. I guess I better get on the ball and make some of my own (trying to rack my brain to see if I have ever even made a cookie cup). Hmmm! Regardless this list is phenomenal as is all the other delicious recipes on your site.
Olivia says
I was surprised about all the cookie cups too! Thanks so much Lynn, and Happy new Year! xo
aimee @ like mother like daughter says
Everything you make is SO BEAUTIFUL Olivia! I just can’t get over it! I’m dying over how good those caramel cookie cups and the raspberry chocolate cake look. YUM!
Olivia says
Thanks so much Aimee!! 💕💕💕
Melissa | Persnickety Plates says
Prettiest collection ever! Those caramel cookie cups are speaking to me 😋
Olivia says
Thanks Melissa! I was eating that caramel with a spoon 😀
Mel @ The Refreshanista says
I made #2 and #9 and they definitely both deserve top 10 status! Sooooo delicious. I’m looking forward to seeing your creations this year!
Olivia says
You are the best Mel, thanks so much! I’m so happy you liked those 🙂 <3
Nicole Burkholder says
Cookie cups are a popular item! Those caramel cups make me want to lick the screen 🙂
Olivia says
I am surprised how popular they are! I need to line some more up for this year I think… Thanks Nicole! 🙂
Charlotte @ What Charlotte Baked says
Happy New Year! All of your photos look so gorgeous – I especially can’t believe how perfect your macarons look ❤️
I’m excited to see what delicious bakes 2017 brings!
Olivia says
Happy New Year Charlotte! Thank you so much! All the best for 2017 🙂