The most popular posts on Liv for Cake in 2015, plus a few favourites I wish had more time in the spotlight.

As 2015 comes to a close, I wanted to take a look back and see what the most popular posts were on Liv for Cake. There were a couple that surprised me, and a few I wish had gotten more love. Check out the list below!
#5. Mocha Chocolate Cake

This is one of my favourite cakes, so I’m happy it got some good love and attention. That mocha buttercream is one of the best things I’ve ever had. I could seriously just eat it with a spoon.
RECIPE: Mocha Chocolate Cake
#4. Triple Chocolate Banana Bread

I’m kinda surprised at how much attention this one got, since it was a last minute idea to use up some leftovers (the ganache and bananas). The pictures turned out pretty well though, so I’m sure that was a factor. AND, of course, it was delicious!
RECIPE: Triple Chocolate Banana Bread
#3. Rocky Road Bundt Cake

This is my favourite recipe of the year, no contest. I mean, LOOK at how pretty this cake is! Not only is this my favourite Bundt pan, I’m so glad the two-toned idea turned out. This cake did really well on Facebook and Pinterest, but its prime time to shine was when it was featured on Buzzfeed as part of a quiz.
RECIPE: Rocky Road Bundt Cake

This is the most surprising one for me. I mean, they’re just oatmeal cookies! But I guess people love their oatmeal cookies, and really these ARE the best oatmeal cookies I’ve ever had, so there’s that. These are some of my favourite pictures too.
RECIPE: Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
#1. Flat Top Cakes

This post was easily #1 this past year, and has over twice as many views as the oatmeal cookies. That’s crazy! Who knew that a post I’d written as a response to my sister-in-law’s question about how my cakes bake up so flat would get so much attention. I’m really happy that everyone found this one helpful!
POST: Flat Top Cakes
And now for a few that I wish had gotten a bit more time in the spotlight over the past year, in no particular order.
#1. Pumpkin Spice Latte Bundt Cake

I LOVE how this cake turned out. It’s maybe my second favourite Bundt cake, after the Rocky Road one above. The flavour is delicious and tastes just like a pumpkin spice latte, and I am so happy with the photos. It’s surprisingly easy to make as well.
RECIPE: Pumpkin Spice Latte Bundt Cake
#2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bread

Peanut butter, chocolate, and bananas – what’s not to love? That peanut butter frosting… SO good.
RECIPE: Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bread
#3. Nutella Hazelnut Cake

This Nutella cake is one of my favourites. It’s another one that looks more complicated than it actually is. The frosting design is super simple and the candied hazelnuts really take no time at all. I love how it all ties together, from the Nutella buttercream to the candied hazelnuts, to the chopped hazelnuts on the side. This cake did get some attention, namely from a German cake magazine called Sweet Dreams. They featured it in their Fall issue! It’s also the first thing I was paid for related to my blog, so it will always be a good memory.
RECIPE: Nutella Hazelnut Cake

These cookies were a labor of love mixed with a little bit of insanity on my part. They are not hard to make, they just take a lot of time. And for some reason I decided it would be a good idea to document the process and make a tutorial, which took an insane amount of time. And I won’t even get into how much time I spent trying to place the damn ornaments perfectly and stop them spinning to face the right way for the photos. Many, many, many hours were spent on this post from start to finish (4 hours alone on shooting photos, so you can imagine). I am really happy with how they turned out, and hope they get a lot of love over next year’s holiday season!
RECIPE: Stained Glass Cookie Tutorial
#5. Aloha Bundt Cake

Yes, another Bundt cake. I frikken LOVE Bundt cakes. The pans are so pretty and really make the cakes effortlessly beautiful. I thought the theme of this one was so perfect — A Hawaiian-inspired cake made with banana, coconut, pineapple, and macadamia nuts. If that doesn’t scream Hawaii, I don’t know what does. Plus I love the pineapple stalk in the center, and the pineapple-ish shape of the Bundt pan that could also double as a volcano erupting with glaze. Perfect, right??
RECIPE: Aloha Bundt Cake
Thank you for following along for the past year. I hope you’ve enjoyed all of the delicious goodies! It’s been a crazy, busy, fun year and I’m super excited to see what 2016 has in store!
Chandra@The Plaid & Paisley Kitchen says
I can totally see why these are your best! Beautiful and stunning photos of some seriously amazing recipes! I am following you on your social media now!
Olivia says
Thanks so much Chandra!! 😀
Liz says
Hi Olivia, Happy New Year and Congratulations on your amazing recipes and blogs! All the best in 2016. I can’t wait to see what you come up with in 2016 (no pressure :). I love your blog and recipes. Just made the Triple Chocolate Banana Bread today without the Ganache icing.
Kind regards,
Olivia says
Hi Liz! Thanks so much for your sweet message. I’m so happy that you’re following along and loving the recipes! I’ll be sure to have plenty of delicious ones for you in 2016 :). I might need to make that Triple Choc Banana Bread soon as the bananas are taking over again! Happy New Year :D.
jacquee | i sugar coat it! says
It was that Rocky Road Bundt cake that brought me to your blog, so I am not at all surprised that it secured a spot on the list. Your work is stunning! I look forward to seeing all the wonderful sweet treats in store! Happy New Year, Olivia!!
Olivia says
Well this was the nicest message to wake up to, THANK you Jacquee! <3 <3 <3 And Happy New Year to you as well :).
Manal says
Olivia… I have been a fan of yours for sometime… You are amazing… I have tons of banana in the freezer… You but I will be making the two banana recipes and will share the link to your wonderful blog… Congrats and happy new year.
Olivia says
Hi Manal! Thanks so much! I see you have the same issue with bananas as I do, they are constantly taking over my freezer! I hope you love the banana bread recipes, they’re delicious! Happy New Year! 😀
Janeen says
Hi and Happy New Year from Australia! The Mocha Choc cake was what got me reading your blog. That cake is sooooooo good and the SMB is now my go-to recipe. I look forward to many more delicious treats in the coming year. Love the photography too.
Janeen says
P.S. It is now well into the NY. 4pm in Australia.
Olivia says
Hi Janeen! I’m so glad you like the Mocha Cake! That buttercream is SO good, right? I’m so glad you’re following along. Thanks and Happy New Year!!
Gwen @ Delightful Adventures says
Congratulations on an amazing year, Olivia! It’s definitely no surprise to me that your recipes got so much attention this year, especially by the big outlets! Your pictures are AMAZING! (as a fellow blogger, I admire them 🙂 ) All the best to you in 2016, I look forward to seeing what you have in store!
Olivia says
Thanks so much Gwen!! <3 Happy New Year to you!