Your favorite breakfast flavors in one delicious Banana Bacon Bundt Cake! Banana cake, maple sugar glaze, and candied bacon.

You’re probably thinking to yourself, Banana bacon? Umm, gross. You wouldn’t be alone. That’s the reaction I got from a couple blogger friends when I mentioned my plan for this month’s #BundtBakers theme. June over at How to Philosophize with Cake picked a doozy this month — weird but good flavor combinations. I don’t usually have a hard time coming up with what to make for a particular #BundtBakers theme, but what on earth was I going to do here? I don’t particularly like weird but good combos. Or so I thought.

I tossed around a few ideas with friends — everything from lemon thyme to coffee orange, but none were particularly exciting to me. So, off I went to Google. The first link I clicked on led me to some interesting options. Chocolate and olive? Eww, no thank you. Banana bacon was on that list, and I found it intriguing. Ryan insisted it was the combo I should go with, so I did.

Can you believe this is the first time in my life that I’ve made bacon? True story. Unless, of course, you count the microwave kind, which you really shouldn’t. I couldn’t really give you a reason why. I mean, bacon is like the best thing out there (next to chocolate cake, of course). I guess I just never got around to making it. Naturally, this meant research needed to be done on the “best” way to make bacon.

I opted for doing it in the oven and on a wire rack (I also tried a batch in the oven without a wire rack, but that was a huge mistake). The wire rack not only kept the bacon from shrivelling up, it also allowed it to cook more evenly. My biggest mistake was getting crappy bacon. I went for grocery store-bought — you know, the kind where you can only see a sliver into the package and you think it’s going to be awesome, and then you open it up and it’s almost entirely fat? Yeah, that. Next time I would buy thick cut bacon from my local meat shop — because clearly I am a bacon connoisseur from my from my one time making it and all.
At any rate, the rack-cooked bacon turned out perfectly and my house smelled amazing for hours. Few things smell better than maple candied bacon, let me tell you.

Enough about the bacon, what does it TASTE like?! Well, it tastes pretty damn good. The banana-bread type cake goes really well with the sweetness of the maple glaze and the salty/sweet bacon pieces. I didn’t put any bacon IN the actual cake, but I would next time. I actually ended up sprinkling more bits of bacon on my piece after the fact so I could have more of that flavor.
If you’re looking for something unique and weird but GOOD, this recipe is for you.

Banana Bacon Bundt Cake
Bundt Cake:
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 cup unsalted butter room temperature
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 3 large eggs room temperature
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 1/2 cups overripe bananas mashed, approx 4 medium
- 1 cup buttermilk room temperature
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
- 5 Tbsp pure maple syrup
Candied Maple Bacon:
- 4 slices bacon
- 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp light brown sugar packed
- 1 Tbsp pure maple syrup
Bundt Cake:
- Preheat oven to 350F and grease a 10-12 cup bundt pan with cooking spray.
- In a medium bowl, whisk flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
- Using a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat butter until smooth. Add sugar and beat on med-high until pale and fluffy (2-3mins).
- Reduce speed and add eggs one at a time, fully incorporating after each addition. Add vanilla and mashed bananas. Beat well to combine.
- Alternate adding flour mixture and buttermilk, beginning and ending with flour (3 additions of flour and 2 of buttermilk). Fully incorporating after each addition. Do not overmix.
- Add some batter into your prepared pan and press it into the cracks of the bundt pan with a small spatula. Add remaining batter until pan is no more than 3/4 full. Smooth the top with a spatula and whack the pan against the counter to evenly distribute.
- Bake for 60-70mins or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out mostly clean.
- Place cake on wire rack to cool for 10mins. Whack the pan on the counter to loosen the cake and turn out onto wire rack to cool completely.
- Whisk powdered sugar and maple syrup until smooth. Thick but pourable. Pour over cooled cake.
Candied Maple Bacon:
- Preheat oven to 350F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and top with a wire rack.
- Place maple syrup and sugar into a medium bowl and mix until combined. Add bacon slices and mix with your hands until coated.
- Place strips of bacon onto wire rack and bake for 25-30mins or until browned and crisp. Remove from wire rack and place on parchment lined baking sheet to cool. Chop and sprinkle over top of glazed Bundt cake.
Felice says
I am just loving your photos, and I would be having second and thirds of your cake. I love sweet and salty together.
Olivia says
Thanks so much Felice! 😀
Laura@Baking in Pyjamas says
You’ve never made a bacon sandwich before???? I can imagine your maple bacon went very well with the banana bundt, gorgeous cake as always.
Olivia says
I know, I need to up my bacon game! Thank you 🙂
Ashley @ Fit Mitten Kitchen says
Okay, WOW. Simply gorgeous. It doesn’t even look like real life!!! In serious awe over here <3
P.S. How do I join this link-up?! I have a bundt pan and I've been LOVING IT. This is such a neat idea.
Olivia says
Ahh thank you!! 😀
Olivia says
Oh and oops, I totally didn’t reply to your question! Sorry, I should have been sleeping rather than replying to comments :). You can contact Stacy over at Food Lust People Love to get info on how to join.
Teri@The Freshman Cook says
Your cake is beautiful! It has somewhat of the same ingredients as my cake, but I made a chocolate cake. The candied bacon blew me away~such a great idea!
Olivia says
Thanks so much Teri! The candied bacon was AHmazing. I’m definitely making that again!
Chrisy @ Homemade Hooplah says
Loovvvvveee this! Anything with bacon (and banana and maple…) is a total WIN!
Olivia says
I know, bacon pretty much seals the deal on anything, right? Thank you! <3
jacquee | i sugar coat it! says
NEVER MADE BACON??? I can’t wrap my head around that…but, I sure can wrap my lips around this bundt tho! I used to love banana, bacon and peanut butter sandwiches and was actually considered that for this theme!! This is one spectacular cake and your photos are absolutely gorgeous.
Olivia says
I know, I can’t believe it either. I am no longer a bacon-making virgin! I actually thought of doing a PB glaze for this guy as I’d read that was a popular combo, but wanted the maple on the bacon so went with that. Next time! xo
Tammy says
I’m down with trying anything at least once. So went it comes to food, I will turn nothing down. This month was an exciting one for BB. Liv, this cake is a total stunner! I love the flavor combinations. I must admit I have not tried bacon in a dessert before, but I am so looking forward to. Beautiful bundt as always!
Olivia says
Thanks so much Tammy! You simply MUST try bacon in a dessert! I highly recommend a maple bacon donut if you can get your hands on one :).
Mary says
I love this mix. I did it once with an ice cream with peanut butter, it was so yummy!
Olivia says
Ohhh an ice cream version sounds delicious! Thanks Mary!
Lara Tartacadabra says
Really spectacular bundt cake, Live, love the photos too!!
Olivia says
Thanks Lara!
Amanda | The Cinnamon Scrolls says
I can’t believe you’ve never made bacon before! And you call yourself a Canadian, tsk tsk. Either way, this cake looks incredible. I may have been on the fence about the whole banana-bacon thing, but these photos and the candied bacon have converted me! What a fabulous looking bundt!
Olivia says
I know, it’s shameful really. I was hesitant whether or not I should admit it! I think you would really like this one. Thanks for bouncing ideas with me! 😀
Julia (@Imagelicious) says
Ummm… Did you say banana AND bacon??? I am a bit confused, was my test taste invitation lost in the mail? This sounds really good!!!
I also love making bacon in the oven on a wire rack. A couple of years ago I may or may not have eaten a whole package of bacon made like that by myself.
And the photos look really good! I love the colours and the tone and the warmth – very inviting pictures. Gorgeous!
Olivia says
LOL I totally would have eaten a whole pack right there with you. No shame. I would have LOVED to have you as a taste tester. Next time I’ll ship some over ;). And thanks! xo
Jane's Adventures in Dinner says
Perfect! This is a combo that we love in our area. What gorgeous shots you got.
Olivia says
Thank you Jane!
Wendy, A Day in the Life on the Farm says
Sounds delicious to me Olivia.
Olivia says
Thanks Wendy!
Ansh says
I might just have to take the “fan girl” thing back! YOU hadn’t ever made bacon! Woman you would have been in so much trouble if you hadn’t already made it for this recipe :))
Absolutely stunning cake as usual ! XO
Olivia says
I know, I am ashamed! I am a baker though, not a cook! No excuse, I know, I tried. Thank you! xoxo <3
Ansh says
LoL your gorgeous cake saved you. Plus I agree – You are THE Baker! xo
Sowmiasgalley says
Yummy, can’t take my eyes off from your pic. Really delicious.
Olivia says
Thanks so much!
Priya srinivasan says
Looks stunning!! pretty pics!
Olivia says
Thanks Priya!
Tux | Brooklyn Homemaker says
I literally CAN NOT believe that you or any other human person in the world has never made bacon before. I’m floored. Hahahaha!
This is a true stunner as usual! Absolutely beautiful, and definitely a winning combination!
Olivia says
LOL I knooooow. It’s truly shameful at my age. And really, what was I waiting for?! Thanks so much Tux! xo 🙂
Renee says
If there ever was a breakfast cake it would be this one. Gorgeous photos too.
Olivia says
Agreed, the perfect breakfast cake! Thanks Renee 🙂
June @ How to Philosophize with Cake says
I used to love a good Elvis sandwich back in my meat-eating days, so I would’ve been all over this cake! Looks absolutely delicious! I like the breakfast-y touch with the maple glaze too 🙂
Olivia says
Thanks so much June! The maple glaze may be my fave part (ok, I lied, it’s totally the bacon). 😀
Bakingyummies says
Wow the cake is beautiful! especially the fibre streaks in the cake scream banana, don’t they? Very nice.
Olivia says
Thank you!! 🙂