This sprinkle studded Funfetti Cake is paired with a fluffy cream cheese frosting and topped with a rich dark chocolate ganache.

I am so excited about this Funfetti Cake because it’s my first contributor post for The Cake Blog!
I’ll be making cakes for them each month, and I’m kicking things off with an homage to one of my favorite cakes ever, the Momofuku Birthday Cake. If you’ve made a Momofuku recipe before, or even just read my post on the cake, you know it’s a bit of an undertaking (to say the least). That attempt was rife with failures, so I wanted to simplify (read: change) the recipes but still try to achieve a similar flavor. Certainly, my simplified version would work swimmingly and be a perfect first cake for The Cake Blog, right? Hah.

If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you know that failures in the kitchen are par for the course when it comes to my baking. More often than not, things don’t turn out as they should, and you get to hear alllll about it. Well, this one is no different. Where do I even start??

My plan was to cover the cake in sprinkles, but also have sprinkles baked into the cake itself. I didn’t want to use the longer style sprinkles you can see here and here, I wanted the pretty, round nonpareils, so I got some. Except that the pretty, round nonpareils SUCK. Or at least the ones I got did. They turned my cake batter a lovely shade of grey… TWICE!
I thought the first time was because I incorporated them into the flour and they were mixing in the cake batter too long, so the second time I decided to fold them in gently at the end. They bled all over the damn place, and I was forced to dump another otherwise perfectly good cake batter down the drain. In hindsight, I should have kept the batter and baked it up later anyhow, but I wasn’t thinking clearly in my blind rage. Ryan was at work, lucky for him.
In my third attempt, I skipped the sprinkles altogether. Well, that frikken cake sank like a ton of bricks in the center. Too much baking soda, I suppose… That was enough baking for the day.

The next day I went and returned the remaining jars of pretty, round nonpareils that I had intended to cover the cake with, and swapped them for the longer sprinkles. At least those worked in the cake batters I’d made before.
A change in the recipe and some new sprinkles finally did the trick, and attempt #4 was mostly a success. I say mostly because my oven sucks. It’s a gas oven and literally the worst thing ever. It bakes SO unevenly, and the temperature fluctuates so much that it’s a wonder people like to use them at all. My next stove purchase will be a combo for SURE — gas burners, electric oven.
So since my oven bakes unevenly, the layers baked unevenly, but whatever, it was leaps and bounds better than the 3 previous attempts. Funny enough, I never have problems with chocolate cakes — it’s always the vanilla ones that are a huge pain.
Oh man this is going to be a long post — I still have to cover the frosting and decorating! Are you still with me??

The frosting is easy and delicious, but I had forgotten why I hate working with cream cheese based frostings and pretty much never use them – they are super soft! My original plan to cover the cake with sprinkles was to roll the cake in them on its side, like you can see here. I was worried that the frosting would be too soft to do that, so I opted for something safer and placed the cake on an inverted bowl and pressed the sprinkles into the sides and top. Placing the cake on the upside down bowl is a little trick that makes it easier to get the sprinkles all the way down to the base of the cake.
Next up: ganache. I couldn’t decide on a color. I thought a white ganache would look pretty with the sprinkles, except that white chocolate is actually yellow chocolate, and the ganache turned out dingy and gross (I knew it would). This was going to ruin my whole vision. I tried coloring the ganache — first a teal blue, but I didn’t like it. So then I added some pink to get it a nice purple, except it wasn’t a nice purple. So I scrapped it and made the same dark chocolate ganache that I used for my Mocha Cake.

On top of all that, I was worried about the ganache dripping nicely down the sides of the sprinkle-covered cake. I was picturing it getting snagged on the sprinkles and doing this weird zigzag pattern or something. To try and prevent this, I made sure to press the sprinkles into the frosting and smooth them out. At least that worked pretty well.
Ok, enough drama! Head on over to The Cake Blog to check out the details and get the recipe for this Funfetti Cake!
Jane says
Hi! I made this cake last year for my daughters birthday. It was a big hit and she wants me to bake it again. I used 2-8 inch pans, but my cakes were very thin. I removed 2 tablespoons of flour and substituted with 2 tablespoons of corn starch per cup of flour as I did not have cake flour. Could this be the reason why the cakes were so skinny? I had to bake another one to have a normal sized cake.
Olivia says
Hi Jane! This is one of my older recipes when I was making smaller cakes. To make it in two 8″ pans I would recommend using this recipe and adding funfetti to it:
Glutton for Punishment says
Hello! I made this cake last year for my son’s birthday. I had a nightmare of a time getting the icing to stick to the cake. I tried the fridge/freezer suggestion, but it still reduced me to tears and more than a few cuss words. I think I ended up adding more powdered sugar. It didn’t end up exactly the way I had envisioned…Do you have any other suggestions if I dare to try again?
Olivia says
Hi there! Strange about the buttercream not sticking to the cake — I can’t say I’ve ever had that happen before! What did you prep the sides of the pan with?
marjan says
Hello, I am from Holland, I want to make you funfetti cake recipe for my twins birthday, I have a cake pan of 20 cm, and 10 cm long, I use that amount of cake batter well for my pan or will I do the amount times 2 ?
and next you may have for me the quantities in grams I do not know for flour and sugar how many grams should I do thanks
Olivia says
Hi Marjan! Converting pan sizes is always tricky. Here are some sites I use as a guideline:
I don’t have the amounts in grams for this one unfortunately, but I would recommend using this recipe instead and adding sprinkles to it. There is a metric converter below the list of ingredients:
Victoria Oliver says
Can you do this cake without sprinkles insides?
Olivia says
Hi Victoria! Yes that would be fine.
Clare says
Hi there, I’m based in the U.K. and need to convert the quantities, could you tell me if the cup measurements are US or Canadian cups?
Thank you
Olivia says
Hi Clare! They are in Canadian cups.
clare says
Thanks so much!
Iris says
What is the difference between US or Canadian cups? I want to make this cake and I am in the US. Also, I don’t want it yellowish so I want to use only egg whites, do I need to add one more or what do you suggest?
Thanks in advance.
Olivia says
Hi Iris! Three large egg whites should work. Canadian cups are 250ml, US are 240 I believe.
Abby says
Woulf this work in a bundt pan or would you not have enough batter?
Olivia says
Hi Abby! I don’t think this would be enough batter for a Bundt, maybe if you used a smaller 6 cup one?
Erin says
I’m so sorry to bother you, but I wanted to make this for my niece’s recital. Would it be possible if I upped the batter by a half to bake this in three 8-inch cake pans, or would that not be advised?
Thanks either way!
Olivia says
Hi Erin! That *should* work ok if my math is correct. You can take the recipe as is and bake it in two 8″ pans, so if you 1.5x the recipe it should work in three 8″ pans. I hope that helps. Let me know how it turns out! 🙂
Erin says
Thanks so much, I’ll let you know!
Erin says
1.5x the recipe worked like a charm! Baking time adjusted slightly (about 25 minutes did the trick). Everyone loved it!
Olivia says
So glad you liked it!! 🙂
Eden Passante says
So Fun!! Love this!
Olivia says
Thanks Eden!
Diana L. says
Haha! I feel your pain. I was trying to make fun fetti cupcakes and had similar results. Maybe the baking gods were just not in a good mood? But you’re right, these longer sprinkles do work much better in the batter. Loving the chocolate on top…. looks sooo yummy. I’ll have to try it out. Happy Baking!
Olivia says
Thanks so much Diana! I’m definitely sticking with the longer sprinkles from now on! 🙂
Alaina @ A Not So Quiet Kitchen says
Oh man am I right there with you with the baking fails!! I’ve been baking for years but have always stuck strictly to the recipe, recently I’ve started getting creative and trying to whip up some of my own creations and failures are definitely par for the course!! This cake is GORGEOUS and I’m thinking my soon to be 7 year old little girl would love this for her b-day! I can’t wait to try it!
Olivia says
Thanks so much Alaina! Glad to know I’m not alone with the baking fails ;). This cake is one of my faves, please let me know how you like it! 🙂
Miranda @ CookieDoughandOvenMitt says
I’m a sucker for funfetti. Those sprinkles and that chocolate drizzle. Girl, you’ve made yet another amazing cake!!
Olivia says
Thanks Miranda! 😀
Chantal says
Hi, can i make this cake in two 8″ pan instead of three 6″ ones
Olivia says
Hi Chantal! Yes, that should work fine 🙂
Valentina says
I thought I was the only person who had trouble baking anything other than chocolate sponges! Still haven’t found a go-to vanilla sponge recipe… Your cake looks amazing! I tried long sprinkles in the batter, the colouring just bled around each sprinkle. It still tasted great 🙂
Olivia says
Thanks so much Valentina! I’m still on the search for the perfect vanilla cake too, but this one is the closest I’ve gotten so far! 🙂
jacquee | i sugar coat it! says
Congrats on joining the Cake Blog team! Loving the addition of ganache to this fun cake. When we bought our home, we left electric behind and invested in a really good gas range and oven. Took some getting used to and understanding, but really can’t see myself going back to electric. That said, I am still a spaz in the kitchen and that will likely never change. 🙂
Olivia says
Thanks so much Jacquee! The inconsistency in the temperature frustrates me most. I will heat it to 350 and it will fluctuate from 325 – 375 during the baking session :(. Likely it’s just my POS oven though. Sigh.
Catherine says
Dear Olivia, what a gorgeous cake! It looks light and beautiful. Congrats on your feature my dear…I look forward to seeing your monthly creations. xo, Catherine
Heather Kinnaird says
I don’t know if I could handle that many mishaps 🙂 my patience is not what it should be, but the final result is gorgeous!!
Olivia says
Haha, thanks Heather! 🙂
Erica says
I can TOTALLY relate! My husband doesn’t like me when I bake because I get into a bad mood with all the fails. And I also hate my gas oven! My cakes come out so dense 🙁 And I’ve had the grey batter experience too! Live and learn.
Olivia says
Yes! I am so glad I’m not alone here, on all of those :). Gas ovens are the worst, right?? For bakers anyhow :).
Katrina says
HELLO gorgeous!! This cake looks stunning!
Laura@ Baking in Pyjamas says
Well you certainly deserve a nie bigeedge of this cake after all those problems. It looks wonderful.
Olivia says
Haha no kidding right?? Many large pieces were had as soon as this one was finished ;).
Olivia says
Ahh thank you!!! xo
Sara | Life's Little Sweets says
Wow, what a pretty cake! pinning and sharing this one, I love the creativity 🙂
Olivia says
Thanks so much Sara! 😀 <3