An easy way to fancy up a classic swiss cake roll with a pretty watercolor pattern.

If you saw me in the kitchen, you’d never guess that I enjoy baking. I’m irritable and stressed out, and that’s when things are going well. If things aren’t, well, it’s best you stay as far away from the kitchen as possible. Ryan can tell you this from experience, for sure. Such was the case with this cake roll.
I’d been psyching myself up to make a cake roll since early January. I don’t know why I was so anxious about it exactly… I had made them in school before, and it wasn’t really a big deal. It is a bit of a process though, or at least I made it out to be one in my head, specifically because I wanted to do a pattern on it. That was my biggest hurdle — deciding how I wanted to do the pattern. I have this perfectionist complex coupled with the laziness of only wanting to do things ONCE, so I procrastinated for weeks.

So, the Valentine’s Cake Roll turned into a Spring Cake Roll. I finally mustered up the courage and kinda winged it. A patterned cake roll is actually really easy to do. You basically just pipe/spread a design onto a silicone mat or parchment, chill that, then spread the cake batter on top and bake.
I had some ideas of how I wanted to do the pattern, but none of them worked. I had only made a small amount of paste (just enough for what was needed), so it would have been hard to fill a piping bag and use a tip. I decided to try filling a plastic sandwich bag and clipping off the end. Has anyone actually used this technique with success? It was pretty much the worst thing ever. I tried to pipe nice round dots with it, only to end up with wonky, lopsided ovals. That was Epic Fail #1.
Then I tried doing these designs with my offset spatula. Kind of like those fancy schmears you see on dessert plates in restaurants. That was Epic Fail #2.

Finally, I scraped everything off and said &*%$ it. I elaborated on Fail #2 and covered the whole thing with alternating schmears of color. Going for kind of a “watercolor” look and hoping it wouldn’t look like total crap. I couldn’t really tell what it looked like after I had spread it on, since it would be the underside that was visible once the cake was done. Whatever, I was over it, into the fridge it went while I made the cake batter.
The batter was pretty straightforward, except that I made the mistake of cranking my mixer on high right away while whipping the egg yolks and not putting the guard up or covering it with a tea towel. When I finally looked over, I could see that all of the cabinets, counters, floor, and appliances in the vicinity had been nicely splattered with whipped egg yolks. &%^$. Ryan was looong gone by this time. Smart guy.

Thankfully, everything went swimmingly from then on. The cake baked up perfectly in my crappy uneven-baking oven, rolled up with no cracks, and the pattern turned out better than I thought it would!
I watched this video to see how to roll the cake up. It’s actually a good overall video of making a cake roll form start to finish. The only thing I did differently was use a silicone mat and roll the cake right up with the mat. I feel like it’s easier overall, so if you have a silicone mat, just use that!
The most important thing is that you roll the cake up while it’s still hot. DO NOT skip this step or it will crack all over when you try to roll it later. Roll it up hot, let it cool, unroll, frost, roll up again, done.

I thought the cake might be bland and boring but it actually tastes amazing, despite the fact that I forgot to add the vanilla, so… don’t do that. Although, to be honest, it tasted so good that I’m not sure the vanilla is necessary.
This cake is delicious! A delicate vanilla sponge with a light vanilla whipped cream — a perfect and easy dessert for any time of year.
Notes & tips for this Watercolor Cake Roll:
- Be sure to roll the cake up while it’s still hot. DO NOT skip this step or it will crack all over when you try to roll it later. Roll it up hot, let it cool, unroll, frost, roll up again, done.
- If using parchment paper – spray sheet pan with cooking spray, line with parchment and spray again.
- Watch this video for more information on how to make and roll the cake.

Watercolor Cake Roll
Color Paste:
- 1/4 cup cake flour 33g
- 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 25g, room temperature
- 3 Tbsp powdered sugar 25g
- 1 large egg white reserve yolk for cake
- color gel
- 1/4 cup cake flour 33g, sifted
- 3 Tbsp cornstarch
- 4 large eggs
- 1 large egg yolk from paste recipe
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1 Tbsp granulated sugar
- 3/4 tsp vanilla extract optional
- 1/4 tsp cream of tartar optional
Whipped Cream:
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream 250ml, cold
- 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Color Paste:
- Line a 12″ x 17″ sheet pan with a silicone mat or parchment paper.*
- Sift powdered sugar into a small bowl. Sift flour into another.
- Cream butter and powdered sugar with a wooden spoon till smooth and pale. Add egg white and sifted flour and cream until smooth.
- Separate paste and add a small amount of color gel into each using a toothpick.
- Spread onto silicone mat in a swirling pattern, alternating colors. Place in fridge to set as you make the cake batter.
- Preheat oven to 450F.
- Whisk flour and cornstarch in a small bowl. Set aside.
- Separate 2 eggs. Place whites into a grease free bowl and set aside.
- Place the two yolks into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Add additional 2 eggs, reserved egg yolk and 1/2 cup of sugar. Beat on high for 5 minutes, until pale and tripled in volume. Beat in vanilla. **
- Sift flour mixture over beaten eggs in 2 batches. Fold in until no streaks of flour remain.
- Clean mixer bowl (if you don’t have an extra) and wipe down with lemon juice to ensure there is no trace of grease.
- Whip egg whites until foamy and add in cream of tartar. Whip until soft peaks and slowly add in 1 Tbsp of sugar. Whip until stiff peaks.
- Gently fold whites into cake batter. Spread evenly in pan (on top of chilled color paste) and bake for 7mins or until cake is golden brown and springs back to the touch.
- While still hot, loosen the edges with a small metal spatula or knife. Sprinkle cake lightly with powdered sugar and turn out onto parchment.
If using a silicone mat:
- Flip cake over again with the silicone mat attached and roll up with the mat. Roll entire thing in a clean dish towel and allow to cool.
If using parchment:
- Remove parchment from bottom of cake. Sprinkle powdered sugar over a clean tea towel. Flip cake over onto tea towel, roll up, and allow to cool completely.
Whipped Cream:
- Place mixer bowl and whisk into the fridge for 30mins to chill.
- Place cream, sugar, and vanilla into mixer bowl and whip on high until stiff peaks.
- Gently unroll cake. Spread whipped cream evenly over surface leaving a 1/2″ border. Roll up tightly and refrigerate for 30mins or up to 3 hours. Serve same day.
Brittany says
Looks beautiful! What colors and amount did you use? Thanks! 😁
Olivia says
Hi Brittany! I’m sorry I didn’t mention it. I don’t remember which ones I used! Any pink or blue would do, and just enough to get the colors you like. I used a toothpick to color it.
Paloma says
I think we have a lot in common when it comes to baking because reading this was like seeing myself! I laughed so hard because I know how irritated I get if things go wrong and my boyfriend knows to stay far…far away too.
I love this post I can’t wait to try this recipe!
Olivia says
Haha, I am glad I’m not alone!! I hope you like this and have less issues than I did 😉
Danielle D says
Beautiful! For some reason mine turned out tasting just like a fried omelet? Any advice
Olivia says
Hi Danielle! It sounds to me like maybe the batter was deflated before baking. Possibly during the folding process? It should be very light and airy and you need to bake it right away so it doesn’t deflate. Does that sound like it was the culprit?
Megha says
Hi Olivia, I love how this looks and wanted to make it for my daughters birthday. I saw your recipe says ‘Serve same day’. But, I was wondering if I could make it Sunday afternoon and serve Monday afternoon? Will it still be fine.
Olivia says
Hi!! Truthfully, I did eat it the next day and it was fine. It’s just “better” to serve it same day due to the whipping cream. It should be fine the next day though! 🙂
Jane says
hi Olivia! Love the colors on your cake roll 🙂 pastels always appeal to me… please bear with me but is it correct to assume that the color paste is first spread on the baking pan, chilled then the batter spread on top of it after, then baked? It wasn’t indicated in your procedure where the paste goes after making the batter. Hope it’s okay asking this…
Olivia says
Hi Jane! Yep, that’s right. It’s the last step listed under Color Paste in the instructions, but I will clarify it in the cake section :).
Karla k says
Thank you Olivia!! I made this today and I love it!! Delicious!! I share your blog… 😘
Olivia says
Hi Karla! I’m so glad you liked it 🙂
Melonie says
This is such a pretty cake. I’m toying with making it for a church potluck this Sunday. 1/2 cup pastry flour doesn’t seem like very much for a whole cake. Is that a correct measurement?
It really is beautiful though.
Olivia says
Hi Melonie! That’s the correct amount, since this is a sponge cake it’s heavy on the eggs and lighter on the flour. Let me know how you like it!
June @ How to Philosophize with Cake says
I can relate to your cake roll anxiety 😛 I’ve had bad experiences with them in the past, but honestly they are so worth the effort…this one looks incredible, I love the colors!!
Olivia says
They ARE worth the effort, I agree :). Thanks so much June! xo
Nancy @ gottagetbaked says
Lol, as much as I love baking, i’m usually stressed out and irritable in the kitchen too! Why is that?! I love hearing about your angst and type-A perfectionist ways. It’s part of your charm! And Liv, this cake is simply gorgeous. Those colours are so soft and pretty, perfect for spring. I’ve never made a roll cake because they’re intimidating as hell but you’ve inspired me to try. And thanks for all the tips, especially rolling it while still hot. You’re the best!
Olivia says
Haha, somehow I am not surprised that you are the same in the kitchen!! 😉 Cake rolls were mega intimidating to me too, but now that I’ve done one I don’t know what I was so worried about. You should try one! And thank you!! xo <3
Megan @ Meg is Well says
Ah, thanks for sharing! I thought I was the only one like that in the kitchen. I’ve had no luck with plastic bags either. I always end up doing more “abstract” decorations instead because I suck so much at piping. I love the look of it though! It looks exactly like water color.
Olivia says
Thanks Megan!! 😀
jacquee | i sugar coat it! says
Love the light spring colours – like a roll of cotton candy!
Olivia says
Thank you Jacquee! <3 🙂
Catherine says
Dear Olivia, your roll cake is absolutely stunning! What a gorgeous dessert my dear..almost too pretty to eat. You are an artist! xo, Catherine
Olivia says
Thank you so much Catherine! You are too sweet 🙂
Charlotte says
I just rated this a 5 on looks only. It looks so good and it will make a beautiful Easter dessert. I’ll let you know how it turns out. If I can master the cake, I suppose you could use many color combinations. Thanks for the recipe!
Olivia says
Thanks Charlotte! I am sure you will knock it out of the park! It’s actually really easy. Just make sure to roll the cake up while it’s still hot :).
Mary Ann | The Beach House Kitchen says
Wow Olivia, what a PERFECT spring dessert! I just love the colors! Sometimes I have to muster up the courage to try different things in the kitchen too! Glad you tried this and thanks so much for sharing it!
Olivia says
Thank you so much Mary Ann! I’m happy with how the colors turned out 🙂
Suchi @ Elegant Meraki says
Love the colors! I just came across your blog and its beautiful. Cake looks absolutely delish. I like how you moved from doing dots to this.
Olivia says
Thank you Suchi! 🙂
Mel @ The Refreshanista says
Haha sounds like me in the kitchen! I’m a total perfectionist, my husband knows to stay far away from me while I’m cooking, I get a little scary! This cake is so pretty 🙂
Olivia says
Haha! So funny. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only crazy person out there! Thanks so much. xoxo
Johlene@FlavoursandFrosting says
I can relate to being stressed in the kitchen – you’re describing me! I think it’s perhaps because we’re perfectionists and what things to be just perfect…
…This roll cake certainly is!!!
Olivia says
Yes, it’s for sure the perfectionism!! And thank you!! 🙂
calista says
Oh. My. Goodness. <333
Teach me your ways.
Olivia says
🙂 🙂 🙂 Thank you!!
Dini @ The Flavor Bender says
This is so beautiful! Absolutely loving it! I just pictured myself when you described how you are when you bake – I am the same way and shamefully have experienced full blown melt downs when things have gone wrong! 😀 I love making roll cakes but never attempted colouring it for fear of another meltdown! I think I’ll have to clear a safe zone and just give it a go one day! This definitely inspired me to 😀
Olivia says
Thanks so much Dini! Glad to hear I’m not alone 🙂 I have had my fair share of meltdowns! The coloring was actually super easy once I stopped trying so hard to make it perfect — go figure. I hope you try it!
Samantha @MyKitchenLove says
Beauty! It looks like you got it perfect the first time even if that wasn’t the case! Love the colours you picked; perfect for Spring!
Olivia says
Ahh thank you!! I’m happy with how it turned out :). xo